Narrative Design
Stardew Valley*
A cozy farm sim filled with lovable NPCs. Read dialogue I wrote for existing characters, plus check out original content I created based on the game.
A hero-shooter set in the distant future. Check out the justice-delivering Hero I designed, plus some anxillary text crafted for the game.
Baldur's Gate 3*
An RPG that exists within the Forgotten Realms universe. Venture forth for flavor text and an original character accompanied by her very own storyline.
A hypothetical side-scrolling adventure game. Dive into a long, in-depth game design document that hits all the nitty-gritty narrative points and more.
Witches Get Stitches
An interactive story that is not for the weak of heart. Play as a benevolent, clever, BRAVE hero on a quest to save a treasure trove full of hostages.
Traditional Fiction
Dead Girl Walking
First two chapters of an original novel. Follow a girl marked for death and a guardian angel who isn’t quite who he seems.
Pluff Mud
Flash fiction. Cast your line at the pier, where rot seeps through the creaking planks beneath your feet and into the marsh beyond.
The Machine
A scene-building experiment where each sentence must follow its own prompt. Product of a writing workshop.
The Sands
Creative non-fiction based on growing up on the beach — but not the pretty, picturesque kind that tourists come looking for.
Martyr Mortem
Flash fiction (TW: written gore). Step into the bedchamber of a noblewoman dressing for her own execution.